I have donated blood in the past so I know that there is a limit on how often you can have blood drawn for donation. Is there a limit on how often a kid can have his blood drawn for testing? James had his blood drawn three times in two days!

James had an appointment with the pediatrician on Thursday. Since James has been having some congestion issues for the past couple of months, he wanted James to get a Complete Blood Count, or CBC, done. He called Thursday night with the results and said that his white blood count and liver enzymes are high and wanted James to come back to have some more blood drawn for further testing.

Friday Stacy and James went back to the hospital that the pediatrician is at for the blood work that he wanted. From there they went to the hospital that the neurologist is at to have some blood work done there. Right now the thought is that the high numbers may be a result of the seizure meds that James is taking.

On Monday James has appointments with the pulmonologist and hematologist so we’ll have to wait and see if they have any thoughts. James was pretty pooped after having all that blood drawn, so hopefully they won’t ask for additional blood tests. He’s only got so much blood to give.