WARNING: This post ended up being way longer than I intended. My plan was to use our experience as sort of a guide for others that are starting to think about (or are in the process of) buying a wheelchair accessible vehicle. What I ended up with was a blog...
<>Recent Blog Posts
Family Pictures 2024
Sorry that this is almost two weeks late. It’s been a long few weeks. I’ll explain more in a future post. For now, here are a few of the family photos we took in early October. If you have a Facebook account, you can view all of the pictures here....
<>Losing Track of the Days
Do you ever get so busy with life that you lose track of the days? You find yourself going through the same routine day after day, and one day just rolls into the next. You finally find a moment to stop and catch your breath, and you realize that what...
<>15th Birthday Party: Fiesta Theme
James had another amazing birthday party on Sunday, and just like all his other parties, this one had to have a theme. Sometimes coming up with a theme is a bit of a challenge; other times it’s pretty easy. This year fell more towards the easy side. Stacy...
<>A Boring Summer
It seems like just yesterday that James finished his first year of high school, but that was three months ago. Where did the summer go? I swear that I just blinked, the summer came to an abrupt end, and it was back to school. I really wish I had some...
<>Still Need Help Buying a New Van
You may have noticed that I missed last month’s post. There just wasn’t enough to write about so I decided to skip it. I sat down this weekend to write a post to cover everything that’s gone on in James’ life over the past two months. As I was writing,...
<>School, Spinal Fusion Anniversary, Oral Surgery Update, and Father’s Day
Looking over the events that happened in James’ life over the past month and it looks like this will be a short post. He went on a couple of field trips for school, had another appointment at the UIC Craniofacial Clinic where we felt like we got sent to the...
<>School, Oral Surgery Update, and Mother’s Day
School It was another busy month at school for our little man. Towards the end of April, James and his classmates baked and dropped off treats for the staff at school district administrative office. On May 1st they went on a field trip to the zoo: ...