My employer had a health and wellness fair a while back and there was a chiropractor there that was doing free consultations. I had never been to a chiropractor before and didn’t really know what they did so I stopped to chat with him. He gave me his spiel and I decided to set up a couple of appointments to try it out. I have been having some occasional lower back pain so I figured it might be good to have it worked on. And with insurance it was relatively inexpensive.
After James was born, I stopped seeing the chiropractor for a while. Going to work, then going to the NICU after work, there just wasn’t any time in my day to squeeze him in. After James came home from the NICU, I started going back to the chiropractor on my way home from work. I told him about James and all of his health issues and his scoliosis, and the chiropractor asked if we would be interested in bringing him in to have him worked on. I talked it over with Stacy and we both felt that it couldn’t hurt.
Today was James’ first appointment at the chiropractor and I think it went pretty well. He didn’t work on James too much, but just wanted to get an overview of his various issues and talk about what he could do to help. He obviously can’t correct his scoliosis, but he might be able to get James to loosen up a bit. James has hypertonic muscle tone in his legs which causes them to be stiff. Stacy and I are willing to give it a shot. We’ll let the doc work his magic and see what he can do.