Welcome to 2017. Hope you all had a safe, happy, and healthy holiday. This is going to be a pretty short post because our lives have been pretty uneventful.
Healthwise, James is doing okay. We’re still dealing with the seizures and his oxygen saturation levels have been a bit wonky these past couple of weeks, so we’ve had him on oxygen here and there to keep his levels up. We’re not sure what’s causing it, but it hasn’t gotten to the point where we think we need take him to the hospital. It’s just more of an annoyance than anything, especially when you’re trying to sleep and his pulse ox beeps randomly in the middle of the night because his oxygen saturations drop, set off the alarm, and then bounce back up.
Last week Stacy, my sister, and her two kids dropped the gifts we collected for Christmas off at the children’s hospital. She said that she thought it was a good experience for the kids. To know the feeling of giving back.
Last Saturday James had a routine checkup with the pediatrician. Everything checked out fine. Dr. Mom said his ears look good, too:
A woman who we became friends with because of James’ stroke in utero recently published a book based on the blog she wrote about her son’s struggles. Stacy pre-ordered it in September, and it finally arrived.
“My book arrived from Amazon and I can’t wait to read it!! Jeff and I were sitting in our hospital room shortly after James was born and when we were informed that he had a stroke in utero, we quickly went online and started Googling babies and strokes. Jeff came across Jennifer’s blog and read all about her cutie Jude. Shortly after that Jennifer and I became friends on Facebook and a year or so later I became friends with her husband Mike. Jude and James were very similar in their disabilities that were caused by those stupid strokes. I became very close with the family and wished that one day we all could meet Jennifer, Mike, Jude and Emily but they live in TX. Our chance to meet this superhero came to a sad halt when Jude passed away in April of 2016…. but he will always live on through the blog and now this book.”
~ Stacy
Jennifer’s blog can be found here: http://cjengo.blogspot.com/ and her book can be found on Amazon.
One last thing to share. James had another first this week. James has started taking the bus to school. Up until this point, Stacy has always driven him to school, and picked him up after school. Now, James’ one-on-one nurse parks her car at our house, and rides on the bus with James. Of course we were a bit nervous about it, but it went well.
Stacy had a little fun and put together a short video with music of James riding away: